Friday 23 August 2013

7 Skin Facts

Posted by simran at 10:15

The 7 Skin Facts that will change your skin.

Skin Fact 1
Correct cleansing, the first step towards a healthy skin.

Correct cleansing with products that respect your skin’s acid mantle and outer layer provides the basis of healthy skin care. Our gentle cleansing rituals also support our oil free night care philosophy.
The Dr.Hauschka way acknowledges that your skin has different cleansing needs at different times of the day. Deep cleansing in the morning with Cleansing Cream using our ‘press and roll’ technique is required after the night time activity of the skin. Evening cleanse with Cleansing Milk is needed to remove dirt and make-up.
Complete ‘correct cleansing’ by rinsing or compressing with cool water. This simple technique activates the minute muscle that sits beside the hair follicle causing contraction. This action eliminates any last remaining dirt and keeps your skin feeling soft too.

Skin Fact 2
Scrub the bathroom floor, but never your face.

The Dr.Hauschka way is to use remove excess dirt, oil and make-up without disturbing the skin's natural line of defence – the acid mantle, protective outer layer of skin cells and the 28 day skin cell cycle. Soaps, lathering agents, overly alkaline substances, scrubs and exfoliants (acids or gritty compounds) strip your face of this natural protection. This may result in dry, irritated or sensitive skin, more prone to sun damage, absorption of synthetic chemical products and premature signs of aging.
Dr.Hauschka’s exclusive Cleansing Cream and the ‘press and roll’ cleansing method gently removes dirt and oil while protecting the skin’s natural defences and stimulating healthy lymph flow. This encourages and supports healthy skin, resulting in a clear, radiant complexion.

Skin Fact 3
Squeaky clean is for dishes, not your skin.

That ‘squeaky clean’ feeling comes from lathering and/or overly alkaline cleansing products and that’s your sign that the acid mantle and outer layer (stratum corneum) of your skin has been disrupted.
If you have oily skin, those harsh cleansing products that make your skin ‘squeaky clean’ just make your skin produce more oil to compensate.

Skin Fact 4
Lose the night cream, your skin will thank you for it.

  • During the night your skin is metabolising and eliminating the day’s waste, that’s one of its many functions as the largest organ in your body.
  • The night time rhythm of the skin is one of a ‘breathing out’.
  • How do you know this is happening? Because skin disorders such as eczema, shingles, chicken pox or measles are much worse during the night. How often have you woken up in the morning to be greeted by a pimple?
  • There should not be any environmental factors that you are trying to protect your skin from while you’re asleep.
  • A night cream – which is usually a heavy, expensive, occlusive substance impedes your skin’s normal night time process.
  • Finally, sleeping isn’t aging!
Dr.Hauschka’s gentle cleansing rituals support our no night cream policy. Our night treatment preparations embrace regenerating plant essences held in a watery solution. These allow the skin to breathe freely and overcome any weaknesses and imbalances.
At first our no night cream guiding principle seems incredible; however within one month you’ll need no more convincing!

Skin Fact 5
Not all moisturisers or their application are created equal.

All Dr.Hauschka day care products are highly concentrated preparations and are designed to be applied as follows:
  1. All our day care products must be applied to a skin that’s STILL MOIST FROM TONER.
  2. Place a pea size of day cream in the palms of the hands.
    (1 drop if you are using Regenerating Serum, 1-2 drops if you are using Normalising Day Oil)
  3. Warm the product between the entire palms of the hands to prepare for face application and to melt the natural waxes.
  4. Apply to the skin with the entirety of your palms, using both hands from the centre, outwards in the direction of lymph flow.
This is our application ritual ensuring we work in the direction of lymph flow applying in an even and economical manner.
Our iconic Rose Day Cream which contains the equivalent of 30 roses is of a thick texture because of the Rose Wax and Beeswax content and particularly this product must be applied as above to ensure the waxes are melted in the warmth of your hands and that not too much product is used in an application.

Skin Fact 6
Like treats like, homeopathic guideline.

WALA, the company that makes Dr.Hauschka Skin Care also produces around 1,000 anthroposophical homeopathic medicines. Therefore we use some homeopathic guidelines in the way we treat the skin.
Though it might seem counterintuitive to apply oil to an oily skin, it's actually the most effective solution. The skin knows whether it's sufficiently protected, producing more of its own oil when skin is dry and less when it's balanced. Drying, soap-based products and conventional acne treatments can rob the skin of its defences, leaving it vulnerable and triggering the sebaceous glands to produce even more oil.
Dr. Hauschka's Normalising Day Oil provides a light, rapidly absorbed layer of pure plant oils and botanical extracts that calm the skin's oil production while helping to heal and soothe blemishes and irritation.
On the other end of the spectrum we have Moisturising Day Cream, the highly activating daily moisturiser that provides hydrating protection in a light, fast-absorbing formula. If we treat dry skin with rich, heavy creams or oils we effectively trick our skin into believing it's been producing too much of its own oil. In response it will decrease production, perpetuating the dry skin cycle. Moisturising Day Cream is light enough that the sebaceous glands are called upon to gently increase oil production, but provides enough nurturing moisture to prevent dryness and damage. Over time, the skin will regain its balance and be better able to fend for itself.

Skin Fact 7
Chemical cocktail or nature’s nip.

Unknowingly most woman carry with them daily up to 500 synthetic chemicals. These pollutants are self inflicted through the use of conventional face, body, hair and make-up products. A non natural moisturiser may contain around 30 synthetic chemicals and a perfume up to 400!
Dr. Hauschka Skin Care draws on centuries of herbal healing wisdom, combining traditional approaches with modern pharmaceutical processes to create gentle yet effective natural skin care products that work with the skin holistically.
Our skin has an absolutely amazing ability to balance and heal itself, responding constantly to changes in our internal and external environments. It needs a little help along the way, like protection from exposure to harsh elements, or support when it gets thrown out of balance by lifestyle, hormones, transition, illness or stress. The key is to encourage and strengthen your skin's own natural self-healing processes. Rather than suppressing symptoms or interfering with the skin's natural rhythms, Dr.Hauschka Skin Care respects the skin, supporting its return to balanced health through the highest quality ingredients from nature that your skin can understand.


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